How Frequently Should You Replace The Toilet Seat?

We could be smarty-pants about it and say that if you’re asking, it’s probably time. But when exactly should you replace your toilet seat? Let’s examine six situations that need a new toilet seat!

When You Move. Yes, the previous occupants may be caring and keep the toilets in their best shape. They probably cleaned the toilet seat before they moved. But consider this: The typical person uses the toilet for an hour and 42 minutes each week. A family of four would have used the toilet seat for 354 hours annually if they had resided in your home before you bought it. That ought to be plenty to get you searching for a new one. It is recommended to go with a Cooke and Lewis toilet seat when you wish to replace the old one.


When Your Seat Moves. Is your toilet seat loose? It shouldn’t be. A loose toilet seat has the potential to raise cleanliness and safety issues. Another sign that it’s time to replace your toilet seat is the need to tighten it frequently. The Cooke and Lewis toilet seat comes with a good mechanism. It is a common characteristic of several toilet seats available at My Toilet Spares. My Toilet Spares assure you never face such issues with Cooke and Lewis toilet seats. Be confident to shop it from My Toilet Spare online store!


When Your Seat Breaks. Your seat could develop cracks and its soft-close mechanism could break. Cracks can become breeding grounds for bacteria, and yanking your fingers out of the way to avoid getting pinched by a falling seat is the excitement of the wrong kind! The strong, beautiful Cooke and Lewis toilet seat comes with modern features. So all your worries will be streamlined & it will make your everyday life less stressful.

When the Seasons Change. Decorating for your preferred holiday is enjoyable! Adding Cooke and Lewis toilet seat comes with numerous colours that honour the occasions and activities you engage in:


When Your Child Starts Potty Training. My Toilet Spare reached a significant achievement with its wide range of toilet seat stock lines. One of them is potty training seats! These seats are the perfect size for toddlers and come equipped with child rings. It has sturdy hinges that never get loose. The slow-close covers on it will be good to safeguard small fingers.

When the Temperature Changes. Beautiful scenery should be the source of the breathtaking moment. But it may disturb the late-night trips to the bathroom on a chilly toilet seat. The Cooke and Lewis toilet seat gives you a warm and soft feeling and gets rid of issues on winter nights.


You probably use antibacterial soap, hand or dish soap, or antibacterial wipes to clean all of our toilet seats. All such things can be effective only if you have a quality toilet seat. You can reap several benefits if you have a Cooke and Lewis toilet seat in your bathroom. Visit to get the best Cooke and Lewis toilet seat for your home!

For more information, please visit our website today or call at 1482291992. You can email at for further details.