What Are the Most Common Cause of Garage Door Spring Breakdown

Have you ever pulled into your driveway after a tiresome day at the workplace only to discover that your garage door does not open when you push the button? Well, this is not what you want to face!
When your overhead door stops functioning it’s probably because of the spring breaking – an absolutely common problem that’s easy to get fixed by garage door experts. The torsion spring can breakdown for many reasons. Listed below are a few of them.
Regular wear & tear:
This is the foremost reason why springs of garage door fail or break! A properly installed spring can last for nearly ten thousand cycles. A cycle is when the door goes up and comes down. Even if you lift and lower the door once all through the day, that still equates to 2 cycles per day or 730 in a year. That being said a spring would only last for little more than 13 ½ years. However, the majority of people open & close the door several times all through the day, running multiple cycles, lessening that durability to far less than 13 ½ years. It’s even feasible to go through ten thousand cycles in about a year.
Rust accumulation:
When corrosion builds up in the springs it can make them to easily breakdown and the durability to be reduced. Decay causes rubbing on the coil & deteriorates it as well. You can avoid spring break because of decay by spraying the coil with a lubricant every few months, which keeps it both lubricated & from building up with oxidation.
Poor upkeep:
Sure, wear & tear can ultimately make the door springs to break. But, by doing proper upkeep you can extend the spring’s lifespan. The most important thing to do is spray down the coil with lubricant at least 3 times every year. Moreover, you must check the overhead door balance every season. We’ve seen that many people have spring breakdown problems during the winter, so inspecting it more regularly during that time is suggested.
Wrong spring used:
When using the wrong spring length or wire size, your overhead door spring will probably fail sooner than later. Properly maintained & constructed overhead doors must have 2 torsion springs, one on each side. Some installers employ one long spring across the entire door, which is all right for smaller or lighter doors, but not the regular one. It’s recommended to utilize 2 springs to distribute the weight load of lifting & closing the door, because single ones not just lessen the lifespan but will prompt severe damage when failure happens.
Call BWI Garage Doors if you are looking for emergency Garage Door repair in Chevy Chase. We are just a call away from you!