Reasons Why You Should Invest In Biltong Cutter And Slicers?

Reasons Why You Should Invest In Biltong Cutter And Slicers?

If you are like most people, you need to buy a pack of biltong now and then. You need a biltong cutter if you have the hobby of making your biltong. You also need it if you run a small business selling dried meat. There are several reasons why you should invest in one.

Now, the question comes to your mind: why would you buy a dedicated cutter when you can get the job done with a set of knives? The solution is straightforward: a cutter or slicer will significantly enhance your life in numerous ways! Not to mention that an average cutter costs about R 785.00 – R 7994.50. Let’s find out the reason why you need the Biltong cutter and slicers.

It’s Much Easier

You will appreciate the ease of using a designated cutter over a knife. But it’s imperative to appreciate how each method works. When using a knife, you place your dried meat on a clean, flat surface like a cutting board. They slice it as you would with any other food. With common knives, you typically have a wooden block resembling a cutting board with an upright block on top. You have an adjustable blade with a handle attached. Place the section of biltong you wish to cut beneath the blade, then apply sufficient pressure on the handle to slice through it. This method is sturdier & more ergonomic. It allows you to use controlled pressure to cut with minimal effort.

It’s Faster and Less Time-Consuming

Employing a knife and cutting board isn’t as effective as it appears. It will need to position the biltong and cut it cleanly without injury. With Biltong cutters or slicers, you need to assemble your dried meat, but since you only need to press the handle once to slice the biltong, you can work much faster. An electric slicer or a manual slicer with a slicing blade can save even more time.

It’s Cleaner

Sometimes, your biltong might be too dry. Your knife might not be sharp enough to cut the biltong. This often results in a mess as small pieces of dried meat scatter. With a biltong slicer, a single push on the handle cuts your dried meat into even yet neat pieces. Apart from that, it reduces the mess.

It’s More Consistent

The Biltong cutter and slicers give you better control over the thickness of your slices or chunks. It ensures they all have the same shape and thickness.

It’s Much Safer

This is perhaps the most significant cause for anyone using sharp kitchen utensils. With a cutter, the blade is fixed to the Biltong cutter and slicers. It does not move in any other direction. So it will make the biltong cutting much safer. It reduces the risk of losing control of the blade and injuring yourself.

It is beneficial to purchase a specialized biltong cutter and slicer instead of simply using a collection of knives for the task. If you wish to add it to your kitchen then visit today! They will provide the best quality industrial electric model to semi-industrial hand version biltong cutters and slicers at the best prices.

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